Friday, September 25, 2015

Why Aglaia?

Being an Aglaia means to

Embody the multifaceted reality of being a woman through...

Beauty-Abundance-Charm-Creativity-Fertility-Change-Life-Intelligence-Grace-Splendor-Mirth-Good Cheer

We believe...

Every woman is a beautifully unique work of ART waiting to be appreciated, understood, and admired.

Daughters of Zeus (strength) and handmaidens to Aphrodite (Love & Beauty), the three Graces artistically represent Beauty (Aglaia), Grace, Joy, Unity, and Strength. 

 Through out history they have made their way through paintings, sculptures, and poetry. Each time with a subtle change. They have been referenced by many names, and shown with various figures, to reflect perspective of the artists they inspire. 

Splendor-Mirth-Good Cheer-Beauty-Mirth-Abundance-Charm-Creativity-Fertility.

As women we are sculptors of lives. We sacrifice, we persevere, we love, we encourage, we represent possibility, and we do it with beauty and grace.

  When we are bold and honest we are powerful. We give strength to those around us through our actions and our words. We are intelligent nurturers of life.

 When we are truly ourselves, we subtly demand attention simply by existing

There is no one shape, size, or personality that can represent grace, sexiness, intelligence, or fashion. We are free to be we without persecution or need for explanation.

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